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3 comentarios

  1. Mahmud Ghazni

    Hi There, I’m Mahmud Ghazni. Recently I found your website while analyzing a bunch of newly created websites. After checking, I noticed that you are using WordPress to create your website and It’s not fully configured yet. So I thought, You may need the assistance of a WordPress Expert. That’s why I’m trying to get in touch with you by leaving a message here.

    As a WordPress Expert, I have over 4 years of experience in this field. I have previously worked as a WordPress Expert in a reputed IT company in Bangladesh. But due to the COVID-19 epidemic, I lost my job. Currently, I am struggling to get out of this situation and trying to work as a Freelancer online.

    I’m particularly adept at creating WordPress websites. Also, I have good skills in WooCommerce Websites Creation, Theme Setup & Customization, Landing Page Creation, Search Engine Ranking, Digital Marketing (Facebook, Google Ads), Speed Optimization, Virus/Malware Removal, Bug Fixing & Error Solving & Web Security Configuration, etc. In addition, If you have a Web Design & Development related agency, I can also work as an in-house team member of your agency.

    However, When it comes to hiring someone online, It can be a little bit uncomfortable for you to trust someone you don’t know. In that case, I have come up with the best solution for you. Just buy me a cup of coffee (ko-fi.com/ghazni) to confirm your first order. So that I can start working on your project. Then you can pay the remaining payment in 2-3 steps according to the progress of the work. I think you will definitely like it this way.

    You can visit my website to see my previous works at https://ghazni.me

    So, If you are interested to hire me then feel free to contact me via Email/WhatsApp/Telegram with your requirements. I will try my best to satisfy you with my skills. Thank you for your time.

    Best Regards,
    Mahmud Ghazni
    WhatsApp: +8801322311024
    Telegram: t.me/ghazni1337
    Email: info@ghazni.me

    Note: If you are not interested in any service, please disregard this comment.

  2. Silvia Montautti

    Buenas tardes, tengo reservado un traslado al aeropuerto, para el lunes, vuelo 231 de Copa, que sale a las 9:45. Estoy alojada en Sol Caribe Campo. No me puedo comunicar al teléfono que me dieron al llegar. Espero sus novedades. Gracias

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